The Leeds House of Recovery was opened in 1804 to treat and isolate patients with infectious diseases, which could not be treated at the Infirmary. These included typhus and typhoid fever, which were endemic in the dirty, overcrowded streets of Leeds, and periodic epidemics of cholera from 1832 onwards. In 1846 the hospital moved from its original premises on Vicar Lane (later the Greyhound Hotel, demolished in 1938 and now the site of the Co-operative Bank) to Beckett Street. For an image of the original building, click here. The same year, Heaton applied for the post of physician, which he held until November 1856, when he resigned, having suffered two bouts of fever since working there (Journal, i. pp. 73-5) The hospital admitted its last patients in 1873 and was later demolished, the site being used as a recreation ground in the 20th century. Now only a gateway and low wall survive, but an image of the building as it was can be found here.
Further Reading:
Anning, S. T. (1980) History of Medicine in Leeds. Leeds: W. S. Maney & Sons. Chapter 5.